My gift to you; I hope you like it...
Kalvin’s Wings
You felt pain, yet you were so strong
You were scared, yet you had courage
You felt alone, yet love you knew
You were sad, yet smiles you gave
Fair, life is not
You called out to Him
You prayed for a cure
You prayed to live
We now know that’s what He gives
On that morning, wings you received
A cure you got
A new life you had
With your wings, you flew
You flew into a Heavenly Kingdom
There, no more pain
There, no more tears
There, no more sadness
There, only sunshine
Only souls as amazing as yours
Can receive wings this soon
We, on earth, will have to wait
You, our angel, please help us to live
To live like you, so that hell we will not see
but that one day, once again,
with you, hand-in-hand
we will celebrate you
May your first birthday in Heaven
Be the start of the best of everything you want
Our love,
This we pray for
This we know He will give
Happy 18th Birthday, Kalvin!!
- Aunt Jenny Saechao