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Happy Birthday
Kalvin January 5, 2021
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Tawn Stecher April 28, 2020
Happy Spring
image Kalvin,
I know I haven't written til today.  I know and feel that
you are very closed  to my heart.
Knowing you can't come back yet I still
have your clothes home with me and time to time I wear
your grey hoodie makes me feel you are near.
i have miss you so much.  We adopted Mimi (dog) she had
giving best 14yrs to us . She recently passed away cancer tumor
 I know you will open arms waiting for Mimi.
 We love you so much.
Love, Mom,Ron and Tawny-Mimi 
Sean Saechao January 4, 2019
Happy 29th birthday son
image Good morning and Happy 29th Birthday son.  I miss you very much wish you were here. Have fun celebrating up there with all the Angels. I love you son take care and see you later!
Sean January 5, 2017
image Hello Kal, happy 27th birthday I miss you very much snd thinking of you. Have fun celebrating your birthday up there. Take care i will see you later love you. -Dad
Sean January 4, 2015
Happy 25th Birthday
image Hello Kal happy birthday! you are turning 25! wish you were here. miss you very much son. have fun celebrating your 25th BDay up in Heaven. Take care and I will see you later ! Love you.

Sean January 5, 2014
HBDay Kal
image Happy 24th birthday nakkong, I miss you very much! Love you - C-U-later
Debbie Saephan January 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Kalvin
Happy 21st Birthday Kal from Debbie, Cassidee, Trista and Scott.

niee phangdy January 4, 2011

happy 21st bday kal, we miss you & love u.

i wish you were here, so we can celebrate, physically.

Mentally your always with us, u have such a beautiful bby sister jazzi.

please watch over all of us, until we meet again my heart is broken </3.

Casidee Saechao(: January 4, 2011
Happy 21st Birhtday .

Happy Birthday Kalvin (:

I Miss You Very Much . We Are Going to Visit Your Grave Tommorrow .

Haven't Been There a Long Time ... Its Good To Go There And Remember The Good Times That All Of Us Shared (:

Love You ,


Jenny Saechao January 2, 2011
Happy 21st Birthday Kalvin
Happy 21st Birthday Kalvin from aunt Jenny we miss you.
Happy New Year 2011.

Happy Birthday son i'm sorry i didn't get a chance to go see you on your 21st birthday
but your aunt jenny and grandma got you some flowers and balloons
 i will go see you soon, miss you = love dad
Christine Saechao January 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Kalvin

Hi Kalvin! I want to wish you a happy 20th bday. We miss you so much and think about you everyday. Continue to watch over us our angel.



Sean saechao January 4, 2010
Happy Birthday
image Happy 20th Birthday son, I love you and miss you very much.  I know you are having a big party up there with the Angels. Take care and please watch over us.  Love dad
Sean Saechao January 5, 2009

Hello Kal,

Happy 19th Birthday how are you doing?  I miss you so much and i love you very much.  Your mom, rachel, mahn, pam, rambo they went to visit you.  Aunt Jenny, Aufinh and his GF, christine and I went to see you and I felt your presence when we were there. Please take care and watch over us my Angel.  Love you - Dad

Pamela Vongpanya December 23, 2008

Your Bday is coming up!

I am coming to visit you =)

I miss you so, so much.

I am sorry I havent left a comment on your site for awhile.

Please be my angel and guide me through this rough time I am having.

Please let me know I will be ok.

I love you so much.

See you soon.

Jenny Saechao January 7, 2008
Kalvin's Wings - Bday Poem

My gift to you; I hope you like it...

Kalvin’s Wings


You felt pain, yet you were so strong

You were scared, yet you had courage

You felt alone, yet love you knew

You were sad, yet smiles you gave


Fair, life is not

You called out to Him

You prayed for a cure

You prayed to live

We now know that’s what He gives


On that morning, wings you received

A cure you got

A new life you had

With your wings, you flew

You flew into a Heavenly Kingdom

There, no more pain

There, no more tears

There, no more sadness

There, only sunshine


Only souls as amazing as yours

Can receive wings this soon

We, on earth, will have to wait

You, our angel, please help us to live

To live like you, so that hell we will not see

but that one day, once again,

with you, hand-in-hand

we will celebrate you


May your first birthday in Heaven

Be the start of the best of everything you want

Our love,

This we pray for

This we know He will give


Happy 18th Birthday, Kalvin!!


- Aunt Jenny Saechao



casidee saechao December 27, 2007
i love you

happy birthday kalvin,

i miss u so much.

i wish u were here to celeabrate christmas with us.

i love u,

happy birthday.

i love you.

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